Positive Concepts: The Interweb Version

The official Youth Ministry newsletter of Anderson First UMC

Archive for the tag “The Avengers”

Be a Person

There isn’t much out there about “who” you should be as a youth minister.  My approach to it is: Just be a person.  Teenagers don’t want to be lectured after every story they tell you about the things they’ve done.  There are times when they want to hear about Jesus, and there are times when they just want to talk about The Avengers and how super heroes blowing stuff up is awesome.  There’s nothing wrong with using The Avengers in a youth group lesson (in fact, that would be awesome!), but if you are hanging out with a youth and he or she is talking about how he went out with some friends to see The Avengers and how it was awesome because super heroes blew stuff up, then just talk about that with him.  Show him you are a person and you like to watch super heroes blow stuff up too (that is, if you’re into that kinda thing). Read more…

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